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버그가 많네요. 다음에는 더 잘만들어 보겠습니다!!


방향 키 끝!.<- and ->


봉봉이가 굶지않도록 햄버거와 고기를 획득해주세요!.


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The game use Left or Right arrow to play. Please add key (something like a spacebar) to retry.

Fun game but hte ball is way too fast

플레이 해주셔서 감사합니다! 저는 개인적으로 어려운 게임을 선호합니다 ㅎㅎ

The ball bounces a bit too fast to effectively react to it, and the overall goal at the beginning is a bit confusing, but it's a really cool idea to go with pinball! Definitely could use some polish, and would be interesting to see finished.


플레이 해주셔서 감사합니다!

No problem!